It was another hot one in PDX today with a high of 89º.
Building a global color palette that I will pull from for color ways on the shoes.
My team was on cleaning duty this morning, which was followed by another Illustrator tutorial and morning meeting with D'Wayne...
Quote of the day: "There are some people who could hear you speak a thousand words and still not understand you. And there are others who will understand without you even speaking a word." – Yasmin Mogahed
Website of the day: A site with daily pictures of Earth taken from space. Daily Overview examines the Overview Effect, offering a different perspective on Earth and of life.
Book of the day: Manage Your Day-to-Day – Jocelyn K. Glei
Professional Development Tips:
1) Professionalism. You are a business. You will not become one until you take yourself seriously.
2) Research. Look for facts to elevate who you're talking to.
3) Creativity. Good comes in, great goes out.
4) Inspiration. It should INSPIRE you and others.
5) Sketching. Practice like you play. Practice to improve.
6) Application. It takes discipline. Treat every design like it's your last.
Making progress on some color ways.
After morning meeting, the CMDs met with Mrs. Suzette to check-in and catch up. After the CMD meeting, we had the day to make progress on our color palettes and color ways. Later in the day, we had the opportunity to talk to Pensole alumni Scott McLeod (Jordan Brand), Anna Smith (KEEN Footwear), and Matthew Schevitz (Columbia Sportswear).